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Filippa K Soft Sport

Filippa K Soft Sport designs a stylish sports collection consisting of tank tops, spaghetti tops, shorts and yoga leggings that provide in the neccessity to move comfortably. The Filippa K Soft Sport collections are filled with sporty fashion produced in high quality and lightweight technical microfibre fabrics that dry quickly. Filippa K Soft Sport offers the perfect combination between form and function in timeless hues, with an always fashionable look.

About the Filippa K Soft Sport online shop

Founders Filippa Knutsson and Patrik Kihlborg launch their Filippa K label in 1993, wanting to design trend -independent collections with subtance and truth. Today this train of thought still serves as a foundation for the timeless designs, including the Filippa K Soft Sport line The selection in our Filippa K Soft Sport online shop fully supports this train of thought - the compact collection of minimalistic designs in technical quality's cater the needs of the modern sports woman.
Filippa K Soft Sport
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Filippa K Soft Sport

Filippa K Soft Sport designs a stylish sports collection consisting of tank tops, spaghetti tops, shorts and yoga leggings that provide in the neccessity to move comfortably. The Filippa K Soft Sport collections are filled with sporty fashion produced in high quality and lightweight technical microfibre fabrics that dry quickly. Filippa K Soft Sport offers the perfect combination between form and function in timeless hues, with an always fashionable look.

About the Filippa K Soft Sport online shop

Founders Filippa Knutsson and Patrik Kihlborg launch their Filippa K label in 1993, wanting to design trend -independent collections with subtance and truth. Today this train of thought still serves as a foundation for the timeless designs, including the Filippa K Soft Sport line The selection in our Filippa K Soft Sport online shop fully supports this train of thought - the compact collection of minimalistic designs in technical quality's cater the needs of the modern sports woman.

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