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LaSalle brings feminine tailored pieces and modern classic styles like plissé dresses, boxy cut tops and contemporary two-piece designs. We love the chic hues like off-white, nude and dark blue and the stylish two-tone prints from the LaSalle collection. Every garment from LaSalle is made in lightweight and comfortable fabrics. Boost your wardrobe with the latest LaSalle styles and create show stopping looks. Check the LaSalle collection here.

LaSalle Fashion Online Shop

The LaSalle online shop brings timeless, feminine styles - from dresses to skirts, tops and jackets. Also knitwear is part of the LaSalle collection. Timeless colors like earth tones, neutrals and dark colors like blue and black determine LaSalle's online shop color palette. LaSalle, founded in Amsterdam (1991), wants to bring clothes you can love and wear over and over again. Every garment is designed with a contemporary feel for timeless and effortless sophistication. Made in natural fabrics and yarns for high quality styles and for a reasonable price. The collection in the LaSalle online shop is exclusively made in Europe. The brand also wants to be gentle to the environment - choosing (largely) natural, biodegradable fabrics and yarns.

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