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Bon Dep

Hair is the most important accessory of a woman and Bon Dep knows that like no other. The Norwegian brand designs hair accessories that are both practical and stylish. We've made a selection of their hair clips and claws in neutral tones and patterns and their bestselling Kknekki hair ties that come in a versatile color palette. The Kknekki by Bon Dep hair ties are suitable for all hair types and perfect for every woman. The hair ties do not fade, fray or sag and are allergy friendly. Check out our wide selection and spoil your hair with the newest Bon Dep items.

Bon Dep Online Shop

Bon (good in French) and Dep (pretty in Vietnamese) describe the basic philosophy of our latest brand you can find in our online shop: Bon Dep. The Norwegian brand is founded in 2012 and started as an interior and lifestyle shop. Along the way, the brand added small items to pamper yourself and started designing hair accessories. They developed Kknekki - the world's best hair tie - that's extremely gentle to any type of hair. The Kknekki by Bon Dep hair ties that you can find in our online shop are woven with more than 60 threads and available in multiple colors and combinations. Opt for good and beautiful hair ties, hair clips or claws and discover Bon Dep in our online shop.

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