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Distinctive Scandinavian design with an artistic touch, MUNTHE is a brand you should get to know. With a mix of styles - with and without prints - and made from high-quality materials, the Danish brand MUNTHE designs items such as shirts, camisoles, jersey basics, blazers, turtlenecks, and cardigans. A timeless color palette featuring black, white, dark blue, dark gray, and beige defines the color scheme. Mix and match MUNTHE's styles endlessly and create layered looks with a clean, minimalist aesthetic, where a feminine tone dominates. Get to know this Scandinavian brand and build a wardrobe that you can rely on time and time again.

MUNTHE online shop

Fashion combined with art? That sounds like fashionable music to your ears, doesn't it? Danish brand MUNTHE brings styles to our online shop as an "artistic and artisanal response to the contemporary fashion industry." Founded in 1994, with Naja Munthe as creative director. MUNTHE styles in our online shop are characterized by high-quality fabrics, delicate details, craftsmanship, and a feminine design aesthetic. The aesthetic side of the designs is expressed with a stylish look and lining and responsible production. Another area where MUNTHE excels? "The conceptual embodiment of contradictions and contrasts, such as combining soft, feminine silhouettes with a tailored approach." The versatile and timeless designs of MUNTHE in our online shop can be mixed and matched endlessly and are suitable for various occasions.
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Distinctive Scandinavian design with an artistic touch, MUNTHE is a brand you should get to know. With a mix of styles - with and without prints - and made from high-quality materials, the Danish brand MUNTHE designs items such as shirts, camisoles, jersey basics, blazers, turtlenecks, and cardigans. A timeless color palette featuring black, white, dark blue, dark gray, and beige defines the color scheme. Mix and match MUNTHE's styles endlessly and create layered looks with a clean, minimalist aesthetic, where a feminine tone dominates. Get to know this Scandinavian brand and build a wardrobe that you can rely on time and time again.

MUNTHE online shop

Fashion combined with art? That sounds like fashionable music to your ears, doesn't it? Danish brand MUNTHE brings styles to our online shop as an "artistic and artisanal response to the contemporary fashion industry." Founded in 1994, with Naja Munthe as creative director. MUNTHE styles in our online shop are characterized by high-quality fabrics, delicate details, craftsmanship, and a feminine design aesthetic. The aesthetic side of the designs is expressed with a stylish look and lining and responsible production. Another area where MUNTHE excels? "The conceptual embodiment of contradictions and contrasts, such as combining soft, feminine silhouettes with a tailored approach." The versatile and timeless designs of MUNTHE in our online shop can be mixed and matched endlessly and are suitable for various occasions.

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