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How to wear white in winter? 8x winter whites!

How to wear white in winter?

8x winter whites!

How to wear white in winter? 8x winter whites!

White is a timeless color you can wear all year long, whether it’s solo or layered. Do you want to wear white during Autumn days, then make sure you add some warmth to this color. Opt for styles in off-white, ecru, wool white and cream that bring a softer alternative for pure white and are ideal to wear during Autumn (or actually all year round). Create an entire look in one of these ‘winter whites’ or pick one style in a ‘winter white’ color to add to your outfit. We offer the foundation and inspiration to create your ‘winter whites’ look. Quickly learn more. 

White is a timeless color you can wear all year long, whether it’s solo or layered. Do you want to wear white during Autumn days, then make sure you add some warmth to this color. Opt for styles in off-white, ecru, wool white and cream that bring a softer alternative for pure white and are ideal to wear during Autumn (or actually all year round). Create an entire look in one of these ‘winter whites’ or pick one style in a ‘winter white’ color to add to your outfit. We offer the foundation and inspiration to create your ‘winter whites’ look. Quickly learn more. 

White is a timeless color you can wear all year long, whether it’s solo or layered. Do you want to wear white during Autumn days, then make sure you add some warmth to this color. Opt for styles in off-white, ecru, wool white and cream that bring a softer alternative for pure white and are ideal to wear during Autumn (or actually all year round). Create an entire look in one of these ‘winter whites’ or pick one style in a ‘winter white’ color to add to your outfit. We offer the foundation and inspiration to create your ‘winter whites’ look. Quickly learn more. 

image with artdirection
image with artdirection

1. Blouses

1. Blouses

Shirts, embroidered blouses or silk blouses in one of our ‘winter whites’ hues form a super stylish foundation for any outfit. Wear with denim, tailored pants or with cargo pants; style to the occasion – whether it’s solo or layered. PS do you want to add a luxury feel to a V-neck or split neck blouse? Wear with a lace bralette in a tonal color underneath. Do you want to add extra warmth to your blouse? Choose a tonal spaghetti strap top with or without a lace finished neckline. 

Shirts, embroidered blouses or silk blouses in one of our ‘winter whites’ hues form a super stylish foundation for any outfit. Wear with denim, tailored pants or with cargo pants; style to the occasion – whether it’s solo or layered. PS do you want to add a luxury feel to a V-neck or split neck blouse? Wear with a lace bralette in a tonal color underneath. Do you want to add extra warmth to your blouse? Choose a tonal spaghetti strap top with or without a lace finished neckline. 

2. Pants

2. Pants

Loose-fit pants, knitted pants, tailored pants or sweatpants in a ‘winter white’ hue? Our selection offers a versatility of styles, textures and fabrics. Opt for luxury and choose cashmere, silk or satin or choose ultimate comfort (and style) and pick French terry, jersey or tech jersey. You can even go classic with corduroy or crepe. Do you find it difficult to find a matching shoe for light colored pants? Go for tonal shoes or combine with shoes in an earth tone for a stylish balance. PS also discover our jeans and skirts in a ‘winter whites’ hue.

Loose-fit pants, knitted pants, tailored pants or sweatpants in a ‘winter white’ hue? Our selection offers a versatility of styles, textures and fabrics. Opt for luxury and choose cashmere, silk or satin or choose ultimate comfort (and style) and pick French terry, jersey or tech jersey. You can even go classic with corduroy or crepe. Do you find it difficult to find a matching shoe for light colored pants? Go for tonal shoes or combine with shoes in an earth tone for a stylish balance. PS also discover our jeans and skirts in a ‘winter whites’ hue.

3. T-shirts

3. T-shirts

T-shirts with short or long sleeves and tops in ‘winter whites’ hues offer a neutral base for every outfit – whether your wear the item solo or layered. T-shirts in jersey and slub jersey offer a modern solid foundation, while T-shirts in cashmere, satin and crepe add a luxury feel. The perfect combination? A chunky knit cardigan or textured blazer with a tonal ‘winter whites’ T-shirt. PS also try a ‘winter whites’ T-shirt with a print or all-over motif for a playful twist. 

T-shirts with short or long sleeves and tops in ‘winter whites’ hues offer a neutral base for every outfit – whether your wear the item solo or layered. T-shirts in jersey and slub jersey offer a modern solid foundation, while T-shirts in cashmere, satin and crepe add a luxury feel. The perfect combination? A chunky knit cardigan or textured blazer with a tonal ‘winter whites’ T-shirt. PS also try a ‘winter whites’ T-shirt with a print or all-over motif for a playful twist. 

4. Blazers & Jackets

4. Blazers & Jackets

Blazers and jackets make a great team with blouses, T-shirts and dresses and are perfect to add warmth and texture to your look. Especially if you choose a teddy, boucle or tweed blazer in a ‘winter whites’ hue. Stick to tonal layering and create contrast in quality for a modern, warm appearance. PS play with different lengths when combining a blazer or jacket with a top or dress. Do you want to emphasize the waist for example? Wear a top tucked-in high-rise pants and pair with a cropped blazer or jacket.

Blazers and jackets make a great team with blouses, T-shirts and dresses and are perfect to add warmth and texture to your look. Especially if you choose a teddy, boucle or tweed blazer in a ‘winter whites’ hue. Stick to tonal layering and create contrast in quality for a modern, warm appearance. PS play with different lengths when combining a blazer or jacket with a top or dress. Do you want to emphasize the waist for example? Wear a top tucked-in high-rise pants and pair with a cropped blazer or jacket.

image with artdirection

5. Sweaters

5. Sweaters

Sweaters with wooly textures, chunky knit patterns and luxurious materials in ‘winter whites’ hues add warmth to your outfit – most styles both literally and in appearance. Whether you go for a feminine V-neck or a minimal crew neck. Wear with tonal pants to keep up with the trend of the season. PS also wear a V-neck sweater with a tonal jersey turtleneck long sleeve underneath for extra warmth and contrast in quality.

Sweaters with wooly textures, chunky knit patterns and luxurious materials in ‘winter whites’ hues add warmth to your outfit – most styles both literally and in appearance. Whether you go for a feminine V-neck or a minimal crew neck. Wear with tonal pants to keep up with the trend of the season. PS also wear a V-neck sweater with a tonal jersey turtleneck long sleeve underneath for extra warmth and contrast in quality.

6. Dresses

6. Dresses

A long dress in one of the ‘winter whites’ hues? Yes, please! Style with high boots in a stunning earth tone and stylishly combine both materials and colors. Also slip dresses in a light shade form the ideal combination with a tonal dress – perfect for extra warmth and a streamlined silhouette. PS do you want to add extra warmth to a dress? Obviously, you can pair it with one of our blazers and jackets or with one of our cardigans, but also combine with a draped shawl – whether it’s tonal or contrasting.

A long dress in one of the ‘winter whites’ hues? Yes, please! Style with high boots in a stunning earth tone and stylishly combine both materials and colors. Also slip dresses in a light shade form the ideal combination with a tonal dress – perfect for extra warmth and a streamlined silhouette. PS do you want to add extra warmth to a dress? Obviously, you can pair it with one of our blazers and jackets or with one of our cardigans, but also combine with a draped shawl – whether it’s tonal or contrasting.

7. Cardigans

7. Cardigans

Cardigans are an all-time favorite on colder days, because they’re easy to wear layered. A cardigan in one of the ‘winter whites’ colors look feminine and is endless to combine thanks to the neutral shade. Style a tonal look with a cardigan and top in different lengths to create a balanced and playful look. This also applies to structure: for example pair a chunky knit cardigan with something more refined. 

Cardigans are an all-time favorite on colder days, because they’re easy to wear layered. A cardigan in one of the ‘winter whites’ colors look feminine and is endless to combine thanks to the neutral shade. Style a tonal look with a cardigan and top in different lengths to create a balanced and playful look. This also applies to structure: for example pair a chunky knit cardigan with something more refined.

8. Accessories

8. Accessories

Do you prefer Autumn looks in for example earth tones, non-colors or denim? Add an accessory in a ‘winter whites’ shade. Whether it’s a scarf, bag, belt or sunglasses. This color equals a soft, feminine appearance and is - just like the non-colors - easy to combine. PS we also offer a wide range of hair accessories in the light color tones – from beanies and hats to hair claws and ties.

Do you prefer Autumn looks in for example earth tones, non-colors or denim? Add an accessory in a ‘winter whites’ shade. Whether it’s a scarf, bag, belt or sunglasses. This color equals a soft, feminine appearance and is - just like the non-colors - easy to combine. PS we also offer a wide range of hair accessories in the light color tones – from beanies and hats to hair claws and ties.

Do you have ‘winter whites’ styling questions or another question? Contact one our Editors. Do you want to discover all our ‘winter whites’ styles? Quickly discover them here. You can find our Shop the Look combinations in ‘winter whites’ shades here

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