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How to wear black clothing in Summer? Discover these 6 ways

How to wear black clothing in Summer? Discover these 6 ways

When we ask fashion-conscious women about their favorite color, black is the most frequent answer!  Not only in the Fall and Winter season, but also during the Summer. Black is a big favorite among our Fashion Editors, but we all know that black attracts heat! So, what’s the best way to wear black with warm weather without feeling uncomfortable in summertime? We’ve broken up the information in 6 easy methods, that will help you create numerous different looks. Curious? Quickly read on to learn more!  

When we ask fashion-conscious women about their favorite color, black is the most frequent answer!  Not only in the Fall and Winter season, but also during the Summer. Black is a big favorite among our Fashion Editors, but we all know that black attracts heat! So, what’s the best way to wear black with warm weather without feeling uncomfortable in summertime? We’ve broken up the information in 6 easy methods, that will help you create numerous different looks. Curious? Quickly read on to learn more!

1. Lightweight and breezy materials  
The easiest way to wear black on a warm summer day: choose lightweight and breezy materials. A black linen, cotton, silk or chiffon style feels more comfortable with warm weather than black denim for instance, and also looks chic.  
1. Lightweight and breezy materials  
The easiest way to wear black on a warm summer day: choose lightweight and breezy materials. A black linen, cotton, silk or chiffon style feels more comfortable with warm weather than black denim for instance, and also looks chic.
2. Show some skin  

Covering your entire body in black can look slightly heavy on warm Summer days. Wearing black while showing some skin for a breezier appearance, is the way to go! Think bare legs, crop tops or shorts - find the right balance between garment(s) and skin. We love a long sleeve mini-dress or a sleeveless maxi-dress. Or combine a strapless top with high-rise shorts or jeans. 

2. Show some skin 

Covering your entire body in black can look slightly heavy on warm Summer days. Wearing black while showing some skin for a breezier appearance, is the way to go! Think bare legs, crop tops or shorts - find the right balance between garment(s) and skin. We love a long sleeve mini-dress or a sleeveless maxi-dress. Or combine a strapless top with high-rise shorts or jeans. 
3. Color combinations  
Combine black with a pop of color, with bright hues, or team up with neutrals for a chicer combination. We love daring color-block looks, but love matchy-matchy looks just as much if you’re looking for a more modest approach. 

3. Color combinations  

Combine black with a pop of color, with bright hues, or team up with neutrals for a chicer combination. We love daring color-block looks, but love matchy-matchy looks just as much if you’re looking for a more modest approach.   

4. Play with prints   
Wearing black looks less heavy when you choose printed garments that have a black base. Whether you go for a cool graphic print or choose feminine florals, the print automatically softens up your look, no matter what colors the print consists of.   

4. Play with prints   

Wearing black looks less heavy when you choose printed garments that have a black base. Whether you go for a cool graphic print or choose feminine florals, the print automatically softens up your look, no matter what colors the print consists of.  

5. Cool wool  
Cool wool is the perfect fabric to wear to the office on warm Summer days. Surprisingly enough, cool wool keeps you warm when it’s cold and keeps you cool when it’s warm. Pair with other garments made in natural qualities - like cotton and linen - for optimal result. Cool wool is made from pure merino wool and has breathable, temperature regulating and odor resistant properties that make cool wool suitable to wear all year round. And it adds timeless elegance to your look. 

5. Cool wool  

Cool wool is the perfect fabric to wear to the office on warm Summer days. Surprisingly enough, cool wool keeps you warm when it’s cold and keeps you cool when it’s warm. Pair with other garments made in natural qualities - like cotton and linen - for optimal result. Cool wool is made from pure merino wool and has breathable, temperature regulating and odor resistant properties that make cool wool suitable to wear all year round. And it adds timeless elegance to your look. 

6. Black accessories    
Go for a touch of black with black accessories. From headbands to handbags, shoes, sunglasses or a belt - you can never go wrong - and still add beloved black to your outfit. Further complement your look with black eyeliner and nail polish.  

6. Black accessories    

Go for a touch of black with black accessories. From headbands to handbags, shoes, sunglasses or a belt - you can never go wrong - and still add beloved black to your outfit. Further complement your look with black eyeliner and nail polish.  

Check out and shop our selection of black garments and accessories here. Or discover our Shop the Looks with black pieces. Are you interested in knowing how to prevent black clothes from fading? Read our blog

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