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5 ways to reset your mind

5 ways to reset your mind 

5 ways to reset your mind

With the Holidays just behind us, January always leads to the same conclusion every time: December leaves its mark with some extra pounds or a feeling of fatigue – or both. And so, the start of the new year is the most popular time of year for your own ‘great reset’. And we prefer doing it the holistic way: with our body, mind & soul at the core and as the key to a new you. Quickly read on and discover our 5 tips for a good start of a new and fresh year.

image with artdirection

Resetting the body, mind & soul is done with these 5 tips

Resetting the body, mind & soul is done with these 5 tips

1. Get moving

Naturally, this is the first thing to come to everyone’s mind in January. It’s why gyms – and its almost becoming a new tradition – always see their number of members rocket through the roof during this first month of the year. But an active lifestyle doesn’t depend on a membership at your local exercise spot or yoga studio; there are numerous ways to make movement a vast part of your daily routine. Think about good resolutions like: taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking a walk after each meal, or biking and walking from A to B instead of taking the car or public transport. Picking up new good habits often starts with the smallest adjustments. So, yoga, run, walk, dance, work-out, walk stairs, bike or cross fit to your heart’s content.

2. Enjoy the silence

Tuning out actually means tuning in. Switch of that phone, turn off the tv and leave your surroundings to be. Giving yourself the opportunity, time and space to sit with yourself, get bored and learn to enjoy those seldom moments of complete silence brings you more than you might think. It creates opportunity for new energy to accumulate, for new ideas to come to existence and for creativity to flow back into your life. Getting a hang of this takes time though, so don’t give up too quickly. 

2. Enjoy the silence

Tuning out actually means tuning in. Switch of that phone, turn off the tv and leave your surroundings to be. Giving yourself the opportunity, time and space to sit with yourself, get bored and learn to enjoy those seldom moments of complete silence brings you more than you might think. It creates opportunity for new energy to accumulate, for new ideas to come to existence and for creativity to flow back into your life. Getting a hang of this takes time though, so don’t give up too quickly.

Turn moments of silence into moments of enjoyment by 'dressing' the room with an amazing fragrance

3. Reach out to nature

There’s a reason why we often feel completely recharged after having spent time in nature. Reconnecting with nature equals reconnecting with yourself. So make sure to schedule in time for regular walks in the woods or on the beach. Literally get in touch with the earth by walking in grass, water or sand barefoot, take walks in the rain and don’t forget to take deep and firm breaths regularly while you’re at it. You’ll feel reborn afterwards. Guaranteed!

3. Reach out to nature

There’s a reason why we often feel completely recharged after having spent time in nature. Reconnecting with nature equals reconnecting with yourself. So make sure to schedule in time for regular walks in the woods or on the beach. Literally get in touch with the earth by walking in grass, water or sand barefoot, take walks in the rain and don’t forget to take deep and firm breaths regularly while you’re at it. You’ll feel reborn afterwards. Guaranteed!

4. Holy water

Did you know that swimming in nature’s waters has a cleansing effect on multiple levels? So that means energetically as well. But seeing as not all of us are that keen on adopting Wim Hoff like habits, winter can be somewhat of an obstacle to do so. In that case, a nice warm bath (lukewarm, not hot!) also does the trick to create a moment of relaxation for yourself, to take a break from that never-ending train of thought and create a moment of peace. Win-win-win!

4. Holy water

Did you know that swimming in nature’s waters has a cleansing effect on multiple levels? So that means energetically as well. But seeing as not all of us are that keen on adopting Wim Hoff like habits, winter can be somewhat of an obstacle to do so. In that case, a nice warm bath (lukewarm, not hot!) also does the trick to create a moment of relaxation for yourself, to take a break from that never-ending train of thought and create a moment of peace. Win-win-win!

A bath has a cleansing effect in more ways than one, and when you add luxury bath products, you simultaneously deeply nourish your skin

5. The rhythm is gonna get you

Whether we like to admit to it or not: people are creatures of habit. We thrive on certain routines, because routines create regularity and regularity creates calmness. A good starting point for creating a more steady routine starts with discovering your ideal sleep routine. Try switching off all screens and dimming the lights about two hours before you normally hit the sheets. By minimizing artificial incentives, you’ll create an ideal environment to start noticing when you naturally become sleepy. This might be earlier than you always thought. Night night! 

5. The rhythm is gonna get you

Whether we like to admit to it or not: people are creatures of habit. We thrive on certain routines, because routines create regularity and regularity creates calmness. A good starting point for creating a more steady routine starts with discovering your ideal sleep routine. Try switching off all screens and dimming the lights about two hours before you normally hit the sheets. By minimizing artificial incentives, you’ll create an ideal environment to start noticing when you naturally become sleepy. This might be earlier than you always thought. Night night! 

Make your night’s rest a part of your beauty routine with must-have beauty sleep products 

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